September 19, 2024

National Farmers’ Day Celebration (NFD) is organized on the first Friday of December every year to recognize the contribution of farmers and fisher folks to food security and economic development of the country through agriculture. The National event is being held at Adisadel College School Park in the Central Region and our Hon.District Chief Executive Mr.Eliasu Adam was privileged to represent the Savannah Regional Minister on the Regional Exihibition day for Savannah Region.

The theme for the 37th National Farmers’ Day Celebration was: “PLANTING FOR FOOD AND JOBS-CONSOLIDATING FOOD SYSTEMS IN GHANA.” The event for North Gonja District Assembly was held at Sinsina Primary School Park Friday 3rd December,2021.

Notable personalities at the celebration were: Hon. Alhaji Mahama Asei Seini, MP for Daboya/Mankarigu Constituency and Deputy Minister of Health, Hon. DCE for North Gonja, Mr. Eliasu Adam, Representatives of our Revered Chiefs and Elders of the Wasipewura Traditional Area, , Political Parties Representatives, Honorable District Assembly Members , Past Award Winners,2021 Awardees, the Clergy and Imans, Some Heads of Decentralized Departments and the general public.

The Head of Department of Agriculture, Sualey Abukari led the Hon. DCE and His entourage to inspect agricultural exhibits brought to the site. This was a side show for farmers to bring to the event to display the best agricultural products they have. In the past, before the formal institution of National Farmers’ day celebration, there was a well-organized event known as “Agricultural Show” where farmers and other stakeholders along the agricultural value change patronized the event with the display of agricultural products and services to the general public. It was always a colorful event and its now integrated into the National Farmers’ Day Celebration.

More efforts should be made for farmers to adopt integrated pest management to always able manage pest on their farms. Government through the Department of Agriculture has distributed various kinds of chemicals to 557 farmers (480 males,77 females) to help in combating fall army worm infestation of their maize farms this year. The chemicals are very effective and there was not any total destruction of any maize farm for 2021 cropping season.

He therefore entreated all and sundry, especially bush hunters to put a stop to indiscriminate bush burning that churn out causing havoc and huge financial burden to innocent farmers. Please let SAY NO TO BUSH BURNING!

HOD, Sualey Abukari

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