September 12, 2024

Adequate drinking water, sanitation and hygiene are all essential ingredients to ensure human health. The same is true for proper wastewater management, which is a basic prerequisite for environmental health. Hon Red Bawa’s desire and drive to improve upon these services in the North Gonja District Assembly is abundantly evident whiles relishing the hope that it will bring about Economic gains and also help build resilience given increasingly climate variability.

According to John Hopkins Water Magazine. “The evidence is clear: Poor sanitation and inadequate water supply play a role in keeping countries poor. There is growing evidence that repeated exposure to unsafe drinking water, poor sanitation and inadequate hygiene has a significant impact on stunting “.

This morning at Sinsina and Kagbal, Hon Red Bawa together with some Technocrats from the District Assembly presented De-Shab Enterprise, the contractor (De-Shab Enterprise) will drill and mechanize boreholes in those communities with overhead tanks to supply inhabitants.

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