The first-ever GIRLS MODEL junior high school in North Gonja has now received a permanent school block which will significantly improve quality teaching and learning. The Hon Red Bawa-led local assembly in North Gonja pioneered and inaugurated the school in 2018; forebearers of the idea was on the scale of promoting GIRL CHILD education in the District.
The DCE, Hon Adam Eliasu Red Bawa on Tuesday 02/05/2023 handed over the well-furnished 3-unit classroom block to the education directorate in North Gonja. This school is historic, the social/societal challenges that prove as barriers to girl child education have received attention from policymakers and stakeholders.
Hon Red Bawa showered appreciation to the education directorate for their co-operation and challenged them to make the most out of the school by helping eradicate poor school enrollment, attendance and retention.